Kidney Transplants
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is the diagnosis of chronic renal failure resulting in the loss of kidney function. End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is the diagnoses of a patient with total or nearly total and permanent kidney failure. Untreated ESRD could lead to severe nausea and vomiting, seizures, comas, and ultimately death. Patients with ESRD must undergo dialysis or have a kidney transplant to survive.
The goal of treatment in CKD is to prevent the development and slow the progression of CKD if indeed it does develop while treating the complications that arise from this disease. The caregivers at Nephrology Associates, P.C. work closely with your primary care physician in an attempt to optimize your kidney function and treat the various complications of CKD. Complications include fluid retention, difficult to control hypertension, anemia, metabolic bone disease, and many metabolic problems.
If the patient decides to start dialysis, Dr. Dunn, and Dr. LeBrun are experienced in dialysis and can explain the options including hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. When the patient is healthy enough for a transplant and a donor located, Drs. Dunn and LeBrun work closely with area transplant surgeons to coordinate successful transplants and medical management of the transplant patient.
If your kidney disease progresses, our providers will begin to discuss renal replacement therapies (RRT) with you (dialysis and renal transplant). We will begin discussing RRT when normal renal function falls to less than 30%. At less than 20% of normal renal function, we begin preparing for RRT. And at less than 10% of normal renal function, we consider starting you on the RRT type of your choice.
When you leave Nephrology Associates, P.C. after each appointment, you will know the level of your overall kidney function, the chances of this function worsening with time and the plan for treatment of your CKD and preparing for RRT if needed.